Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cold Turkey.... with a Side of Ice Cream

Almost two months ago I blogged about my need to quit smoking so what has happened since….uh, not much. I have actually smoked approximately 600 cigarettes (ew) since my decision to quit, but some positives have happened in that time as well.

• I have pinky promised my daughter that I was going to quit.
• I have read the Easy Way to Stop Smoking, by Allen Carr.
• I have downloaded several apps on my phone to serve as a constant reminder of my goal.
• I have made a long list of the reasons I will no longer be a smoker.
• I have ordered a stop smoking self hypnosis CD to listen to at bedtime.
• I have purchased tons of gum and cinnamon chewing sticks.
• I have cut straws and stocked my car with them to prevent triggers. This helped me a bunch in the past.
• I have posted a list of positive affirmations for quitting smoking in my bathroom to read while I am getting ready for the day.
• I have talked with my boyfriend about my goal to quit and asked that he support that and keep his own smoking away from me as much as possible.
• I have joined a support website for people quitting smoking. I plan to pledge daily on this website once I have finally quit.
• I have set up a jar for me to save the money I would normally spend on cigarettes. We are going to use the money to take fun family trips!
• I have a list of things I can do instead of smoke when I take a break at work.
• I have purchased some natural supplements that are supposed to ease the withdrawal symptoms and anxiety associated with quitting. (Smoker’s Cleanse, Natural Calm)
• I have learned of some meditation techniques to use when quitting smoking.
• I have cleared my car and porch of all traces of cigarettes.
• I have read countless articles to get informed on what to expect once I quit.
• I have posted a timeline on my desk at work of the benefits of quitting smoking and how your body returns to normal.
• I have planned an all out party for once I have reached 100 days smoke-free. That’ll be
• I have warned my family that I may not be the most pleasant to be around here soon, but that it is temporary and will pass.
• I have stocked my fridge with healthy snacks.
• I have also cut myself some slack with other obligations. If I am truly going to quit smoking, I need to go full force. I’d rather be a non-smoker who is a little behind on the laundry.
• I have committed to being honest when asked how the quit is going. I will not lie for cigarettes any more. If I relapse, I will say so and hope for support and encouragement to continue.
• If all else fails, I got a wee bit of ice cream for emergencies.

I think I have prepared (er, stalled) long enough. The only thing left to do is…..well … stop (my stomach just flipped even thinking about it). Come hell or high water, my last cigarette will be on Friday, September 23rd. If anyone is out there, feel free to hold me accountable. I appreciate any advice and tips anyone may have. I truly feel this is one of the most difficult things I have done. When I accomplish this, I will be able to accomplish anything. I am so nervous…wish me luck!


  1. OH oh oh, I soooo need to quit as well. My triggers are stress (ok, well, really it's anger issues) and when the hubby is being an ass. That and I read when I smoke and have such a freaking hard time trying to divide the 2!!

    Good for you! What you're doing is very freaking hard to do, but it will be worth it!! Would you like a buddy/partner/whatever and I will quit as well on Friday??? (ok, I'm being a little bit selfish in that you've inspired me and I might sorta not do it if you hadn't posted this!!)

    I normally smoke American Spirits (organic ones) because they don't cause me to have nic fits. It helped in that I didn't have cravings for them, I just now seem to use it as a reason to leave my desk and go read. But they are expensive and it sucks.

    When I quit last time, I would get pissed off at myself for being weak and say basically - EFF THAT - to myself and drink some water or go walk. That seemed to help the most.

    Good luck and I hope you kick smokings ass!!


  2. Oh wow I just saw this....sorry. It would be awesome if you would quit. Today is my first actual day without a cig and so far so good (it is only 9:30am here). Let me know if you need anything...maybe we can help drag each other through the process.
